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Campaigning Restrictions for Singapore General Election(GE)

Limited Campaign for General Elections in Singapore (GE)

With COVID-19, there are some restrictions on what candidates can and cannot do during the campaign.

GE2020 Singapore

No physical gathering

During the campaign period of this election, you can only wave your favorite party at home.

Candidates can only hold rallies online via Livestream.

More airtime on national TV

Each SMC candidate will be offered on national television for 3 minutes. GRC is given 12 to 15 minutes of air time.

Broadcast on MediaCorp Channel 5.

Each political party also receives two political broadcasts on 19 TV/radio channels.

Walkabout and door-to-door campaign

Only 5 people are allowed. The same rules apply to the candidate's walkabout and visiting visit campaigns.

In addition, each group must maintain a safe distance of 1 meter and minimize physical contacts such as shaking hands, hugging, or fists.

No supporters gathering

Supporters cannot collect this election at designated or convention centers.

But nothing prevents them from wearing their favorite party t-shirts and yelling on their TV screens to encourage their parties.

Moving vehicle

Election campaign track!

Vehicles are permitted to move, but candidates are not permitted to speak, music, video, or broadcast live streams through these vehicles. There is no gratitude after the voting day.

Banners and posters are allowed.

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